Aniket Baksy

Research Fellow
Digit Research Centre
University of Sussex




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Econ 143: Finance, Corporations and Society

Econ 143 was designed and taught by Anat Admati. This interdisciplinary course explores the economic, political, and cultural forces that shape the financial system and, through this system, have major effects on the economy and on society. Students gained an understanding of how the interactions between individuals, corporations, governments, and the media can help the financial system and the economy work better or in turn allow those with better information and control to harm others unnecessarily. Topics included the basic principles of investment and funding, corporations and their governance, financial markets and institutions, and political and ethical issues. Several visitors further enriched the discussion.

Teaching Evaluations

Fall 2020

Winter 2022

Other Links

CASI: The Corporations and Society Initiative engages in dialogue, learning, and leadership at the intersection of markets, businesses, governments, and society to promote more accountable capitalism and governance.